Time Frames for HSRs
Time frame for negotiating to have HSRs
If one or more workers requests to have health and safety representatives represent them for the purposes of WHS consultation, the PCBU (business, organisation, corporation, etc) must commence negotiations with the workers about that within 14 days of the request. (Sections 50 to 52 WHS Act.)
HSR term of office
An HSR for a work group has that position for 3 years and then an election must be held. The HSR will be eligible for re-election. (Section 64 WHS Act).
Completion of HSR Course
If a person starts the HSR course but for whatever reason doesn’t complete the training, SafeWork allows 6 months from the date of the first day of the course to complete any missed days. If it goes over 6 months, the person will need to redo the complete course.
Time to spend doing HSR duties
The HSR must be allowed to spend enough time as is reasonably necessary to exercise their powers and perform their functions under the WHS Act (Section 70 (2) WHS Act).
Currency and display of HSR lists
A PCBU must ensure that a list of each health and safety representative and deputy health and safety representative (if any) for each work group of workers is prepared and kept up to date. The list must be displayed in the workplace and accessible to all work groups (Section 74 WHS Act).
Commencement of HSR training once expressed
When a person has been elected as an HSR and has requested to do the official SafeWork NSW initial 5-day course, the WHS Act requires that the HSR begins the course within 3 months of their request. (This may not be when they were elected.) If training cannot be organised within the 3 month time frame, either the PCBU (business) or the HSR may ask SafeWork NSW to appoint an inspector to decide the matter. (Ref Section 72 WHS Act.)
For more information on WHS training or WHS compliance services, or if you would like help to make your WHS management system even more robust, please feel free to contact us at train@courtenell.com.au or phone us on 02 9552 2066.
19th August 2020 (Updated 2 August 2024)