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If you have work groups*… you must have HSRs

*work group as defined in Section 51 (2) WHS Act.

Weekly WHS Article 11th May 2023

Workers must be represented in any decisions that a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) (such as a business, organisation, government body, sole trader, etc see ref 1), intends to make on matters of health and safety. A PCBU cannot simply make changes regarding a work health and safety matter without first getting feedback from the members of the workforce. This information is obtained by consulting each member of the workforce that may be affected by the health and safety matter being addressed.

Sometimes it is impractical for the CEO or their representative to go around the workplace and talk to every person about health and safety, or rely on survey responses, email traffic, or phone calls to get the information they need, especially if the WHS matter is urgent or critical.

It may be better suited for the business to split the workplace into sections, departments, or units and deal with one person who represents each group of people. These groups are called "work groups" in NSW law and are established for the purposes of WHS consultation. Under Victorian health and safety law they are called “Designated Work Groups” (DWGs.) They are the same thing.

The people in these work groups are then represented by a Health and Safety Representative who are elected by members of their work group to represent them. This applies to every State and Territory in Australia. There must be at least one HSR for every work group.

Having HSRs may be a better way to giver and receive information between management and the workforce, on WHS matters. The HSRs of each work group can facilitate information requests from management and obtain feedback from all persons in their work group if a WHS matter affects them. They then pass this information to management so that management can make correct and relevant decisions. An HSR must be available at all times to the workers of a work group as well as to management.

Directors and CEOs must ensure that these PCBU obligations are met. They may be personally liable for a breach. It is in the best interests of management to be very strict on ensuring HSRs are there and “on the job” at all times.

HSRs play a major role in assisting a business to consult with the workforce on matters of health and safety. It can be a matter of life or death in some instances. Make sure you have enough HSRs so that there is always an HSR when you need one. Training them in the SafeWork NSW 5-day HSR course can equip them with the knowledge and commitment that will help them to effectively carry out their vital role in helping to create a safe and healthy workplace.


Ref 1: SafeWork Australia the Meaning of PCBU

Other References:

1. SafeWork NSW: “Workgroups”

2. SafeWork NSW: “Health and Safety Representatives”

3. SafeWork NSW: Workers Representation and Participation Guide

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11th May 2023

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