Labour hire workers and WHS
Labour hire involves a host organisation using workers from a labour hire agency, for a temporary period of time. The first company ....
This term "Officer"
When talking about the highest level of management people in a business, those individuals who are entrusted with ....
Your Views Matter
Workers at every workplace in Australia, irrespective of the nature and risk of the business, must be consulted as far as is reasonably...
Safe Work Australia Advice on WHS Consultation
Weekly WHS Article 8th November 2023 A PCBU must consult with their workers about work health and safety matters in their workplace....
Psychosocial Situations and Psychological Injuries
SafeWork NSW’s Code of Practice: Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work, lists 14 common psychosocial hazards.
WHS penalties to increase up to 4x (2023)
Except for Victoria, all states and territories in Australia will see a significant increase in the value of WHS penalties, and the ...
WHS Codes of Practice
A model WHS code of practice developed by SafeWork Australia and approved by SafeWork NSW can be very useful when dealing with ...
Reporting processes must include Psychosocial hazards
Processes for reporting work health and safety hazards and incidents are integral to the Safety Management System for every business and ...
The Largest Fine Ever Imposed on a NSW Company
Weekly WHS Article 1st August 2023 A NSW District Court judge on the 14 th of July 2023 fined an arborist company $2,250,000. This fine...
SafeWork NSW’s Focus on Psychosocial Safety, Respect at Work, & Harmful Substances
Weekly WHS Article 20th July 2023 SafeWork NSW is the overseer of workplace health and safety in New South Wales. As the state regulator...
Consultation on Psychosocial Hazards & Risks
WHS law in NSW requires that a PCBU (business, corporation, organisation) consult with its workers on matters relating to health and safety
Training for Health & Safety Committee members
Members of an organisation’s Health and Safety Committee can bring important skills and experience in their workplace to the committee ....
What is a Work Group?
A “work group” in WHS law are groups of people within the business that are represented by one person and their deputy for the purpose ...