Worker amputation leads to two businesses prosecuted and fined
A manufacturing facility in Victoria was fined following an incident in which a worker’s finger was amputated while working ...

Can Workers be prosecuted under the WHS Legislation?
Under Section 28 of the WHS Act, workers are required to follow reasonable instructions from their supervisors and managers.

Upstream Duty Holders
PCBUs that manufacture and supply plant, equipment, and machinery have their own responsibilities under WHS Law. ....

Three Categories of WHS Offences and a Table of NSW Penalty Units (2024-2025)
The NSW WHS Act 2011 has recently been amended. These amendments have included an increase in the penalty rates for WHS breaches. ....

WHS Law: “Everything old is new again”
When the Model WHS laws commenced in Australia in 2012 it brought to Australia a new and updated look at workplace health and safety and ...

Employer found not guilty of workplace bullying
In Robertson v State of Queensland [2020] QDC 185 a nurse working at Gold Coast Hospital made a claim for damages alleging she suffered...

HSR Training Online
Courtenell delivers both the SafeWork NSW Initial 5-Day Health and Safety Representative course, and SafeWork NSW 1-Day HSR Refresher course

Case study: Determining work groups for WHS consultation
On the 9th of July 2019 the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) delivered its decision on whether an employer had made....

Do you need Safe Work Method Statements?
SafeWork NSW give clear and precise definitions and examples of Safe Work Method statements on their website: Prepare safe work method...

The Coercive Information-gathering Powers of Government Agencies
In 2008 the Attorney-General's Department of the Australian government published a report on their website called ...