Labour hire workers and WHS
Labour hire involves a host organisation using workers from a labour hire agency, for a temporary period of time. The first company ....
Upstream Duty Holders
PCBUs that manufacture and supply plant, equipment, and machinery have their own responsibilities under WHS Law. ....
HSR training is not “optional”
SafeWork NSW have an initial course and a refresher course for health and safety representatives. ...
WHS Duties are non-delegable
Non-delegable duties are legal obligations that cannot be transferred to another party. Even if the task is delegated, the original party...
What a Health and Safety Committee is Not
It has been over 10 years since New South Wales adopted the Model WHS laws. The WHS Act and WHS Regulation replace the repealed OHS Act ...
It’s the PCBU’s duty to consult
WHS consultation has always been a major focus for SafeWork NSW as it is a major part of WHS Law. Consultation and communication ...
WHS penalties to increase up to 4x (2023)
Except for Victoria, all states and territories in Australia will see a significant increase in the value of WHS penalties, and the ...
WHS Codes of Practice
A model WHS code of practice developed by SafeWork Australia and approved by SafeWork NSW can be very useful when dealing with ...
Reporting processes must include Psychosocial hazards
Processes for reporting work health and safety hazards and incidents are integral to the Safety Management System for every business and ...
What does "Due Diligence" mean in a WHS Context?
Section 27 of the WHS Act 2011requires that, officers of a PCBU “must exercise due diligence to ensure..."
WHS Law: “Everything old is new again”
When the Model WHS laws commenced in Australia in 2012 it brought to Australia a new and updated look at workplace health and safety and ...
WHS Consultation needs to be able to take place at any time
The Model WHS laws, in force since 2011, describe how a business may organize its workplace into workgroups and then have representatives...
"Any other functions" of a Health and Safety Committee must be consistent with consultation requirements of the WHS Act
For some businesses, government bodies, and other organisations, a health and safety committee (HSC) may be a valuable resource to ...