Toolbox Talks: A Closer Look at Workplace Communication
Toolbox talks are short, informal safety meetings that take place in the workplace. They reinforce safety protocols and encourage safe...

Business owners and Directors: Questions to ask yourself
Business owners, company directors and CEOs have mandatory requirements to ensure that the business they manage is meeting its primary...

Worker amputation leads to two businesses prosecuted and fined
A manufacturing facility in Victoria was fined following an incident in which a worker’s finger was amputated while working ...

Labour hire workers and WHS
Labour hire involves a host organisation using workers from a labour hire agency, for a temporary period of time. The first company ....

Judge comes down hard on “reckless indifference”
The following court case is an example of a business owner running a business without sufficient knowledge of their WHS responsibilities ...

Man’s hand crushed in machine
On 27 May 2021, a worker of a metal recycling company in South Western Sydney suffered serious hand injuries while attempting to remove...

Truck Driver Killed by Oncoming Truck
Weekly WHS Article 20th June 2024 What happened? A large, refrigerated transport business has just been convicted and fined $800,000 in...

Risk Management for all Industries
Weekly WHS Article 15th May 2024 While the procedures for identifying, assessing, and controlling or eliminating workplace risks and...

What are the Legal Protocols for Reporting a 'Notifiable Incident' in New South Wales?
In New South Wales, ensuring the safety of workers and the public is vital. To support this goal, there are clear guidelines for...

NSW Company fined $300,000 after amputation incident
What happened Royal Touch Paper Products Pty Ltd, a company based in New South Wales, has received a $300,000 fine following an incident...

Judge emphasizes WHS duties are non-delegable
Non-delegable duties are legal obligations that cannot be transferred to another party. Even if the task is delegated, the original party...

Tackling Workplace Bullying and Harassment
While the organisational costs of incivility and toxicity are well documented, bullying at work is still a problem in some workplaces ....

What a Health and Safety Committee is Not
It has been over 10 years since New South Wales adopted the Model WHS laws. The WHS Act and WHS Regulation replace the repealed OHS Act ...