What a Health and Safety Committee is Not
It has been over 10 years since New South Wales adopted the Model WHS laws. The WHS Act and WHS Regulation replace the repealed OHS Act ...

Training for Health & Safety Committee members
Members of an organisation’s Health and Safety Committee can bring important skills and experience in their workplace to the committee ....

WHS Consultation needs to be able to take place at any time
The Model WHS laws, in force since 2011, describe how a business may organize its workplace into workgroups and then have representatives...

Employer representatives of a WHS Committee
Under the NSW WHS Act 2011, a business owner or employer can establish an HSC for the whole workplace or for parts of the workplace. ...

"Any other functions" of a Health and Safety Committee must be consistent with requirements of the WHS Act
For some businesses, government bodies, and other organisations, a health and safety committee (HSC) may be a valuable resource to ...

Running effective HSCs - Solutions to common problems
The effectiveness of health and safety committees depends on the commitment, knowledge, and individual areas of expertise of their...

Two questions regarding WHS consultation
We often get questions from clients about what they have to do to comply with WHS consultation requirements. Two common questions are...

Upskilling your WHS committee members
The WHS Act does not say "who" exactly should be on a health and safety committee, other than Health and Safety Representatives (if they ...

Suggestions for Health & Safety Committee Members
The WHS Act does not say "who" exactly should be on a health and safety committee, other than Health and Safety Representatives ...

SafeWork NSW WHS Roadmap
SafeWork NSW launched their impressive Roadmap for Work Health & Safety for NSW 2022 in August 2016. ....

SafeWork NSW: Their Compliance and Enforcement Tools
SafeWork NSW has a number of tools in its compliance and enforcement toolbox. Those tools range from giving advice or guidance up to...

Documenting WHS consultation actions
Is it mandatory to document your WHS consultation actions? The Work Health & Safety Consultation, Co-Operation and Co-Ordination Code of...