Deaths from falls
Fatalities caused by falling from heights remains the second highest cause of workplace deaths in Australia, second only to vehicle...
Toolbox Talks: A Closer Look at Workplace Communication
Toolbox talks are short, informal safety meetings that take place in the workplace. They reinforce safety protocols and encourage safe...
Business owners and Directors: Questions to ask yourself
Business owners, company directors and CEOs have mandatory requirements to ensure that the business they manage is meeting its primary...
$40,000 fine for warehouse traffic management plan failures
A warehousing company in Victoria has just been fined $40,000 for repeatedly failing to follow its traffic management system.
Business owners, Directors, and CEOs may face up to 25 years imprisonment under new Industrial Manslaughter laws
From 16 September 2024 Industrial manslaughter is now an offence in New South Wales. This means that business owners, directors and CEOs...
What are the Legal Protocols for Reporting a 'Notifiable Incident' in New South Wales?
In New South Wales, ensuring the safety of workers and the public is vital. To support this goal, there are clear guidelines for...
Duty of Care at Work vs. Duty of Care in Society
Duty of Care under WHS law and Duty of care under Civil law are not quite the same thing. WHS law applies to businesses and...
Unpacking WHS Consultation: Toolbox Talk Perspectives
Work Health and Safety (WHS) is vital in every workplace. Every employee deserves to return home safely each day. One essential method to...