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Using SafeWork NSW’s Risk Radar to Improve WHS

We recommend taking a look at the SafeWork NSW's Risk radar | SafeWork NSW.

In Risk Radar you can select each job in your industry and it shows you the top five causes of injuries and disease that occur with each job that you select. Then it shows what you must or should do to handle the risks in that job. You can then compare what Risk Radar says with what actually happens in your workplace and decide if you need to take action about that.

You might benefit by using Risk Radar in your workplace. It could complement other actions you take to comply with WHS legal requirements and eliminate or minimise WHS risks so far as is reasonably practicable. It could be integrated into tool box talks, formal training sessions or workshops.

Here is one example of where Risk Radar could be used to improve work health and safety.

Every organization is required to manage health and safety risks in their workplace. A PCBU must;

  • identify reasonably foreseeable hazards

  • eliminate risks to health and safety so far as is reasonably practicable and if that is not possible, minimize those risks so far as is reasonably practicable

  • apply the hierarchy of risk controls that is detailed in clause 36 to minimize the risks

  • maintain the risk controls so that risks remain minimized

  • review and revise those risk controls as necessary to deal with a change in circumstances

This is an ongoing essential process in an organisation’s health and safety management system. Achieving a safe and healthy workplace is very dependent on teamwork in your workplace. From the top down, every person in a workplace has WHS duties and an important part to play.

For more information feel free to contact us at or phone us on 02 9552 2066

10th February 2021


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