Business owners and Directors: Questions to ask yourself
Business owners, company directors and CEOs have mandatory requirements to ensure that the business they manage is meeting its primary...

$40,000 fine for warehouse traffic management plan failures
A warehousing company in Victoria has just been fined $40,000 for repeatedly failing to follow its traffic management system.

Upstream Duty Holders
PCBUs that manufacture and supply plant, equipment, and machinery have their own responsibilities under WHS Law. ....

NSW Company fined $300,000 after amputation incident
What happened Royal Touch Paper Products Pty Ltd, a company based in New South Wales, has received a $300,000 fine following an incident...

What are the Key Components of Non-delegable WHS Duties for Businesses?
Non-delegable WHS duties are specific responsibilities that cannot be passed on to others. ...

Tackling Workplace Bullying and Harassment
While the organisational costs of incivility and toxicity are well documented, bullying at work is still a problem in some workplaces ....

Safe Work Australia Advice on WHS Consultation
Weekly WHS Article 8th November 2023 A PCBU must consult with their workers about work health and safety matters in their workplace....

WHS penalties to increase...
Except for Victoria, all states and territories in Australia will see a significant increase in the value of WHS penalties, and the ...

Audiometric Testing Set to Become Mandatory in NSW on 1/1/2024
Weekly WHS Article 24th August 2023 Audiometric testing is defined in clause 58 (3) of the NSW WHS Regulation 2017 as: " audiometric...

Hazardous Manual Tasks and Working From Home
Weekly WHS Article 27th July 2023 Do your workers ever have these injuries? “Sprains and strains of muscles,...

Human Consequences are the Ultimate WHS Penalty
Weekly WHS Article 25th May 2023 Work Health and Safety compliance is not, for most businesses, “penalty-driven” in reality. [1] The...

What is a Work Group?
A “work group” in WHS law are groups of people within the business that are represented by one person and their deputy for the purpose ...

WHS Consultation needs to be able to take place at any time
The Model WHS laws, in force since 2011, describe how a business may organize its workplace into workgroups and then have representatives...