WHS Consultation needs to be able to take place at any time
The Model WHS laws, in force since 2011, describe how a business may organize its workplace into workgroups and then have representatives...
Employer representatives of a WHS Committee
Under the NSW WHS Act 2011, a business owner or employer can establish an HSC for the whole workplace or for parts of the workplace. ...
“We have a health and safety committee” does not mean “We have Consultation covered”
A health and safety committee doesn't replace other consultation systems or procedures. Consultation must be able to occur any day ....
Two questions regarding WHS consultation
We often get questions from clients about what they have to do to comply with WHS consultation requirements. Two common questions are...
"Yes... but can you prove it?"
In 2017, SafeWork NSW inspectors did quite a blitz on WHS consultation compliance. They focused on businesses being able to provide...
First WHS conviction for PCBU not consulting with other PCBUs
In May 2016 a PCBU was prosecuted and convicted for not consulting with other PCBUs – Section 46 of the WHS Act 2011. It is the duty ....