Man’s hand crushed in machine
On 27 May 2021, a worker of a metal recycling company in South Western Sydney suffered serious hand injuries while attempting to remove...

NSW Company fined $300,000 after amputation incident
What happened Royal Touch Paper Products Pty Ltd, a company based in New South Wales, has received a $300,000 fine following an incident...

Hazardous Manual Tasks and Working From Home
Weekly WHS Article 27th July 2023 Do your workers ever have these injuries? “Sprains and strains of muscles,...

Human Consequences are the Ultimate WHS Penalty
Weekly WHS Article 25th May 2023 Work Health and Safety compliance is not, for most businesses, “penalty-driven” in reality. [1] The...

Codes of Practice and Courts of Law
The Work Health and Safety legislation aims to empower businesses in creating and operating a health and safety management system ...

Working From Home
Weekly WHS Article 23rd August 2022 The last three years have seen major changes in how businesses conduct their operations in Australia....

Every Body Can Suffer from Manual Task Injuries
Weekly WHS Article 22nd June 2022 Manual tasks may contain risks that: cause “sudden damage” to a person’s musculoskeletal system, or...

How to Handle Hazardous Manual Tasks in Your Workplace
Based on the most recent workers compensation figures from SIRA NSW , manual handling is still the most common cause of workplace injury...

Compliance With “Reasonable Suspicion”
An officer or employee of a union who is a WHS entry permit holder has the right to enter your workplace if they have ....

PCBU Primary Duty of Care
Under Section 19 of the New South Wales WHS Act 2011, a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) has a primary duty of care to...

SafeWork NSW: Their Compliance and Enforcement Tools
SafeWork NSW has a number of tools in its compliance and enforcement toolbox. Those tools range from giving advice or guidance up to...

Are There Unavoidable Risks in Your Workplace?
Safe Work Australia released a report called Work Health & Safety Perceptions: Manufacturing Industry in February 2015 that is...

Manual Handling Training
What is Manual Handling? Manual handling includes any task that requires a person to lift, lower, push, pull, carry or otherwise move,...