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Work Health & Safety Training and Consulting
Courtenell at a glance
years in operation
people trained annually
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courses delivered annually
training courses
public training facilities
WHS Training, Consulting, and Audits in NSW
Courtenell is one of the major providers of Work Health and Safety (WHS) training in Sydney and NSW, Australia. We also deliver training to other States and Territories on the Model WHS Laws as well as to Victoria.
We can provide you with the WHS training you need to meet your legal obligations particularly regarding Health and Safety duties, Officer due diligence, Health & Safety Representatives, WHS committees, WHS risk management, and training for leaders, supervisors, managers, and workers.
Our Work Health and Safety training courses are designed for:
WHS Managers
Risk Managers
Safety Champions
We provide Workplace Health and Safety training to help you meet your legal requirements

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