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HSR Training Online

It appears that SafeWork NSW may be the first to come up with the term, Real Time Remote Connected Delivery. This is the term they use to describe online WHS training, using Zoom or MS Teams.

Beginning in April 2020, initially as a COVID measure, SafeWork NSW launched their Real Time Remote Connected Delivery option for their health and safety representative (HSR) training courses.

Training providers had to apply to SafeWork NSW for authorisation to deliver the SafeWork HSR courses in this new way. Courtenell has been regularly delivering virtual HSR training since 2020.

Originally SafeWork NSW intended RTRCD training to be a temporary option. Several deadlines were set for when RTRCD training would end, but each were extended. Eventually SafeWork NSW advised that virtual HSR training would continue "until further notice."

As of 2024 SafeWork NSW continues to allow health and safety representative training to be delivered online.

Courtenell delivers both the SafeWork NSW Initial 5-Day Health and Safety Representative course, and SafeWork NSW 1-Day HSR Refresher course. These courses run regularly, both face-to-face and online. Courtenell complies with SafeWork NSW's guidelines for Real Time Remote Connected Delivery.

There are some rules for the delivery of and participation in virtual HSR training:

  • Participants and the trainer must all be able to see each during the training. Excluding breaks, cameras must be on at all times.

  • The trainer can arrange participants in small groups for exercises and discussion and then have them return to the original large participants group for a discussion of their findings. During the exercise the trainer can include himself in any of the small groups to monitor their progress and assist if needed.

  • Participants can always ask questions by raising their "virtual" hand during the session.

  • The trainer has options they can use to display or build information (like PowerPoint or whiteboard options.)

  • The trainer and participants can use text chats to communicate with the trainer and /or other participants.

  • The training delivery is arranged so that participants are not locked into their seats, looking at their screens for uncomfortable periods of time.

  • Maximum allowed numbers on virtual courses are 10 participants. This is half the maximum number allowed on face-to-face HSR courses. This SafeWork NSW rule is firm.

  • Participants must attend and complete all modules of the course fully to be certified.

  • Due to the low maximum number allowed on virtual HSR courses, "catch up days" for days missed in the original training cannot be done on future virtual courses. These must be done at one of our public venue courses. Courtenell offers HSR courses in the Sydney CBD, at Blacktown, and at Auburn. Each location is easy to get to and close to public transport. There is a fee for catch up days.

Courtenell has extended Real Time Remote Connected Delivery to many of Courtenell's own WHS training courses. This includes health and safety committee (HSC) training, psychosocial risk management training, WHS law training, Officer Due Diligence training, WHS training for duty holders, WHS consultation compliance, and other courses that are predominantly theory-based.

Hazardous Manual Tasks training, practical WHS risk management training, and other WHS practical courses cannot be delivered virtually as they rely on physical participation and practical exercises that take place on site.

For more information on WHS training and WHS compliance services feel free to contact us at or phone us on 02 9552 2066 

Updated 16 August 2024

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