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Issue 146

July - August 2020

Published Bi-monthly

Get Up and Move

SafeWork NSW advises that prolonged sitting creates significant health risks. Their recommended control measures include take regular breaks by getting up and moving every 30 minutes. 76% of Australian workers sit for about 5 hours per day and about 26% sit for more than 8 hours a day.

You can find further useful information about this matter on SafeWork NSW ’s website in the section headed, Sedentary Work. It has a link to SafeWork NSW’s 4-minute video which explains why prolonged sitting is a health situation and what you can do to minimise the risks. Be sure to watch this helpful video.

You can also find a number of other links to useful resources at SafeWorks’ Sedentary Work website section such as: 

  • Comcare – sedentary work,

  • WorkSafe Queensland – sedentary work,

  • Heart Foundation – active workplaces,

  • Move More Sit Less, and

  • Get Healthy at Work.

Working From Home
Under current flexible working arrangements in Australia we have more people working from home than ever before. If you work from home you can find useful tips in BeUpstanding™’s article, How You Can Sit Less and Move More When Working from Home.

However, there is a lot more available than just resources for working from home at BeUpstanding™. It is a national initiative designed to support workplaces and desk-based workers. They have the help and support of expert partners; Comcare, 4 Australian Safety Regulators, 4 Australian Universities, and the Cancer Council WA. More than 25,000 workers have used the free BeUpstanding™ program.


1st September 2020

This publication provides general information about WHS.

It is not legal opinion and does not represent a comprehensive

statement of the law to be applied to a particular problem

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